Sunday, September 21, 2008

Am I Back? I think so....

I was one of those caught up in Google's "mark as a spam blog" problem, which is now (hopefully) fixed. It will take me a while to catch up. I do have a lot of material to distribute / discuss. However, as I have now started to write my MS thesis and want to be done by December, I won't be posting daily.

Some thoughts on recent developments.

1: I would like not to believe reports people will not vote for Barack Obama because he's black. I am more realistic than that, I expect it will happen, but it is an unbelievably stupid reason not to vote for someone. Normally in elections like this I would vote independent (I have voted for Ralph Nader in the last two elections), but I think this time Obama needs my vote. I did, briefly, consider McCain, and would still be considering him if he had nominated Joe Lieberman as his running mate. He wanted to, but knuckled under to pressure from certain elements in his party to pick Sarah Palin. That choice tells me McCain cannot be counted upon to change the course of this country. I have nothing against Palin personally, mind you; it is McCain's giving in to his party I find disturbing.

2: I listened to Barack Obama's entire infamous speech in which he supposedly called Sarah Palin "a pig" on NPR. Not once in the speech did Obama mention the prospective vice president, McCain's running mate, or Sarah Palin. And yet, the very first caller said, "Of course (Obama) called Sarah Palin a pig!" Her comment showed nothing but prejudice and bias. At first I was angry, but that anger soon turned to sadness, both for her and for the country. I sincerely hope this person is not representative of the intelligence of the average US citizen, or we are in real danger of seeing this country go down the toilet.

3: The current administration has put us in such a deep, deep hole, both economically and with our foreign relations, it will take much more than four years to be fixed. Although I will be voting for him, I pity Barack Obama if he wins, because he can't win here. The Bush administration has destroyed, in eight short years, any good will we've earned since World War II, and even if Obama undoes some of the damage he will be tarred with some of the same nastiness. It is unfortunate, but I think you could elect even the greatest presidents (Lincoln, both Roosevelts, whomever) this election there is just too much fallout for one president to clean up.

4: I am getting increasingly frustrated with politicians who do not have the guts to stand up to their fellow Congressionals when they violate the Constitution or other ethical models. I believe this is because politics has turned its focus from setting policy to getting re-elected. Take a look at how little time Congress is actually in session. Unfortunately Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, and their apprentices have turned political disagreement into treason. Thanks a lot, guys! We have so few people who have the guts to call for prosecuting the various unconstitutional acts perpetrated by the Bush administration, and some Democrats also. So, here's a tip of the hat to Senator Russ Feingold, who does have the guts. Thanks, Russ!