Sunday, August 17, 2008

Interim thoughts: Bush and the Russians on Georgia.

Hello, please accept my apologies for being a week behind in this blog. Obviously it isn't offending anyone as there are no comments. I have been really busy with work around the house and haven't had the time to add more posts. Therefore, for this post I'll place a short rant, and then restart the presidential blogs Monday.

I see in the news President Bush is complaining about Russia's "invasion" of Georgia. President Bush is right. Unfortunately, we've lost all credibility with the rest of the world to be indignant when Russia treats Georgia as we have treated Iraq. The interesting thing is, Georgia used to be part of the Soviet Union; Iraq has never been part of the US.

The rest of the world must be snickering behind their hands at Bush as he hypocritically chides the Russians for doing something we've been doing for the last 7 years: invading a soverign nation without cause. How ironic.


  1. Dan, I don't (I guess that should be "rarely") comment, but I do usually read. Wasn't Georgia considered for inclusion in NATO?

  2. Yes, and they are still pushing for it. The people of Georgia want it, and so do many NATO nations. For another view, see this London Times article.
