Thursday, July 22, 2010

Follow-up to yesterday's post

In yesterday's post about people calling the Obama administration on things out of their control, I mentioned there were some things about Obama and his administration I don't like.  Well, here's one:  CBS news story on Shirley Sherrod's firing.  I know Obama wasn't personally responsible for firing her, but he is still in charge of his cabinet and should never bow to right-wing (or left-wing) extremist pressures when making policy or personnel decisions.

It's quite clear the majority of people know Glenn Beck and Fox News edited the tape of Sherrod's speech to make it seem as if she were discriminating against a white farmer (she did not).  This type of lying is very common on Fox News, and with Beck as well.  It's offensive, unethical, and just plain wrong.

And when the administration bends over to accommodate this crap, it just makes things worse.  Listen to the whole speech, learn the facts, and then act.  Gut reactions are inappropriate when running a government, and especially so when Obama makes such a point of thinking things through.

I understand compromise is necessary to pass bills and so on.  This case, though, is not a matter of compromise over different opinions or situations, it's a matter of an obvious lie and letting that lie create a political action.  At least Tom Vilsack and the White House apologized to Sherrod and offered her another position in the USDA.

For an interesting (and brilliantly satirical) take on Glenn Beck, see the South Park episode Dances with Smurfs.

1 comment:

  1. The person who "broke" the story was Andrew Breitbart, not Glenn Beck. Sorry, Andrew and Glenn.
