Saturday, November 20, 2010

Corporations win... again!

Below is the text of an email I sent in response to something my sister forwarded.

I reply to all for a reason: it is all true (here's the Snopes version:, and we should do something about it, more than pass along emails.

This is what we get for getting Congress to repeal all of those consumer protection laws passed in the 1960s and 1970s. Starting with Newt Gingrich and company in 1993, we vote for this... and lose because of it. Our country is no longer about its people, unless by "people" you mean corporations (thanks, Supreme Court 1886, Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Railroad, close to the dumbest decision the Court has ever handed down). It's almost enough to make me a conspiracy theorist... because the railroads (look up "robber barons") won that case. To his credit, Hugo Black noted (in a dissent to the 1938 case of Connecticut General Life Insurance Company v. Johnson) the 14th amendment was not intended to benefit corporations but to protect "weak and helpless human beings... The language of the amendment itself does not support the theory that it was passed for the benefit of corporations (citation here)."

Now you know why I'm so upset with the recent elections; the American people are (mostly) short-sighted, ignorant, and mind-numbed and listen to sound bites instead of doing their own research. The worst news: both parties fall for this garbage. So I don't encourage you to vote Democratic, Republican, or anything else; just please, please do some research next election... better yet, write your Congresspeople and complain! Stand up for your right not to get screwed in the name of more profits for corporations!

David Stockman, it does not trickle down... unless your analogy is bathroom-related (possibly what Will Rogers meant when he coined that phrase). By the way, Democrats voted for that garbage (tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy), not Republicans... proving my point both parties are equally corrupted.

Remember, "A person is intelligent; people are dumb, panicky animals." - Agent K, Men in Black.

Sorry for the rant, but as Howard Beale said in "Network", "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!"

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